07 September, 2009

Labor Day Weekend. 2 of 3

This string of shots took place while we were hoofing it on the way back. I didn't really have time to stop and shoot at all that I saw that interested me. As is usually the case, my need to get from point A to point B usually outweighs my desire to examine what I see in passing. Sometimes I take a second to click a shot and sometimes it even turns out. Other times I see things that I would love to stop and study and it irks me every time when I walk on by. My eye seeks out those things that are different and at the same time belong exactly where they are. I find what I am looking for without even realizing that I am looking and in looking back...I realize that I am fortunate to actually see what it is so many others miss.

Above, a tiny little micro environment crammed into a very small space. On one side a raging torrent of water that scours virtually all life from the rocks. Above, a dark, foreboding forest of fir and brush. To either side, a bare realm of naked rock scraped clean by wind, rain, snow and sun. And yet here, sheltered between two boulders and fed by a tiny little spring I counted some odd twenty species of plants, lichen and moss doing exactly what they were meant to do.

Can you imagine trying to skirt this when the rock is wet? Basically you don't. If it rains you have to climb out of the canyon and risk the jungle of downed trees and brush to find your way out. Navigating this type of terrain is pure stupidity when wet.

Just around this bend, I slipped and got my foot wet without taking the time to shake it off or step in grit for traction. Within three steps I slipped and fell flat on my back amongst the sharp boulders. If it weren't for my pack on my back I would have either busted more vertebrae or fractured a rib. As it was, I nearly re-broke my arm and buggered up my neck and shoulder. It just goes to show that each step you make, regardless of the path you take...whether from where you have been or to where you go could have more meaning than you intend. Step lightly and step sure.

Coming upon the final stretch during the route back. Just around that crevice is ground that we have traveled before. The going is easier and the distances are straight.

Something Different...Something Blue.

A little perspective. It is easier going from here on out. Passed this point, the fishing isn't quite as good, the fish aren't quite as big and there are more footprints in the sand. Regardless, it is still one of my favorite places on earth to be.

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