Its mid September. Summer is struggling to maintain its hold. Fall is knocking at the door. And winter is just around the corner. Fall is my favorite time of year. The air is crisper, the sky always seems bluer. The colors and natural transformations speak of change to come. Its great living in an area where there are four absolute and definitive seasons. Its like the pages of a book. Like most books, the seasons are predictable chapters...but every once in a while something within the pages jumps out and catches your attention.
I decided to drag my parents up to Glacier Park. I typically stay away from National Parks. I truly appreciate what they stand for...however I have never come to grips with the massive commercialization, restrictions and over crowding that tourists create. I am not a big "crowds" fan, however some times you have to ignore the unpleasant things in life and take an opportunity to get out there and see the Mountains. It was a fun little trip. Here are a few pictures I took along the way.

Lake McDonald

Lake McDonald Lodge

Something Different. Something Grassy. Actually, these are sedges, not grass. But hey...its green and it made for an interesting shot.

This is actually a boulder. The grain like texture is actually dried algae. The fact that it
mimicked the shape and texture of the mountain in the background created an urge to drag out the camera.

These little stacks of rocks were fun. Over the course of the summer, tourists stack up these rocks in imitation of the trail markers some of them might have come across while hiking in the rocky terrain. It gets annoying seeing these stacks along every beach and around ever bend of every creek though. Its just more evidence of how man seems to be compelled to "leave his mark". It was still interesting though and provided for a few interesting photos.
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