13 October, 2008
Meadow Creek 2
This is a continuation. Great images and good stories get restricted by the size limitations of posting sites. If you really want the entire picture of this tiny journey, please scroll down to "Meadow Creek 1" and start there. Then come back up here and finish your trip.
From above and a different angle.
Looking back towards the way out.

The log. If you remember, I mentioned the log in the previous post. This is one of three ways to get to the other side. Ummmm...can we say no thanks? It looks almost as bad as I felt and I opted to not tempt fate and thus...stayed on the ugly boring side of the canyon. But man it is nice on the other side. The side we were on allows no access to the water and restricts you to about one fifth of this particular canyons beauty. Believe it or not...this log was deposited here in spring runoff sometime in the early 90's. Thats a lot of water.
The log from a different view. It gives it an entirely different perspective. Would you cross that? I have. Many times. But neither the log or I are getting any younger.... The log beneath it wasn't there the last time I was here. That is about the traditional spring run off level. There are no fish here in the later part of winter and spring. They don't come back untill july when the waters recede and warm up.

Looking down. I used to fish off those rocks. Not today....
A glimpse of the other side of the canyon. Its much gentler and provides much better fishing (and safety).
That kettle is about eight feet across and six feet deep. In the summer, the water is a little higher and that is a great spot to catch trout. You can just barely see the rock in the middle that helped to create that kettle.

Its much deeper and swifter then it looks.

This is the end of the road. Its a bit risky from here on out and I opted to take the cowardly way out instead of risking a swim. Photo's do nothing for the steepness and scale.
Oh wow! These are some pretty pictures! You should take me there sometime!
A reletave
(I really don't care if I spelled it wrong.)=)
you have GOT to be kiddin me!!!!
I am here... just.. TIME..
as soon as I can.. i promise.. but THIS ROCKS!!!
ok.. have been coming back here all day... drooling over pictures..
it all looks so breathtaking.. can't even begin to imagine what it looks like in r/l ..
this is totally addicting..
now you have to talk long walks WITH your camera every week (wont say every day :P) and blog about it..
want more.. NEED more!
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