I find it amusing. I love winter. I love snow. For the first time in two years, I get the opportunity to enjoy snow. Its wonderful. And yet....right now I hate it. I dread it. It just might become the bane of my existence. Snow is going to give me a heart attack. Its 4:45 in the morning. I fly out in roughly 24 hours. Its snowing. A lot. The last two weeks have been a nightmare of airport delays, closings, mis-connects and general traveling horror. And I am not even traveling! Yet! But I will be very soon and if the weather doesn't improve, I foresee severe headaches in my future. I have already had snow related itinerary changes. I will sit on no less then five planes by the time I get settled. Three of which are extremely weather sensitive. Its a good thing I used up my last nerve months ago. That single little beasty off to the right has a tendency towards amassing, multiplying and creating havoc. Go away.
Merry Christmas by the way.
and I sit here dreaming of a white christmas. The last white christmas I enjoyed was in 1978.. I only remember it cuz of pictures..
we did have a white easter last year!!
sort of.. couldn't go for an egg hunt but SOOO excited cuz of snow.. that it didn't really matter anymore..
But yeah.. traveling and snow.. is NOT a good combi! Hope it gets better the next few hours!
A white christmas is an admirable dream. I would be happy to mail you some of this snow? It needs to stop!
puhlease do !!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I totally forgot!
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